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The Compliance contract is the contract that will verify the regulatory compliance of a transaction following pre-set rules defined by the legal paperwork related to the security token. Apart from investor identity eligibility, the Compliance will validate more general restrictions e.g. maintaining a max investor cap or a max tokens cap (as it might be needed for certain securities in certain specific countries of distribution).

The contract is modular to support the addition of multiple general compliance rules as per the requirement of the token issuer or the regulatory framework under which the token is operated. Modularity is assured by separate Module Contracts that are bound to the Compliance Contract. Any interaction with the modules must be made using the Compliance contract.



This READ-ONLY function checks that a transfer is compliant with the rules defined by the modules bound to the contract.

An asset contract should call this method prior to executing a transfer.

_fromaddressAddress of the source of the transfer.
_toaddressAddress of the recipient of the transfer.
_amountuint256Quantity of tokens transferred.
function canTransfer(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _amount
) view returns (bool);


Function called whenever tokens are transferred from an address to another. This function can update state variables in the modules bound to the compliance, these state variables being used by the module checks to decide if a transfer is compliant or not depending on the values stored in these state variables and on the parameters of the modules. In practice, it calls moduleTransferAction() on each module bound to the compliance contract.


This function can be called ONLY by the token contract bound to the compliance

_fromaddressAddress of the source of the transfer.
_toaddressAddress of the recipient of the transfer.
_amountuint256Quantity of tokens transferred.

The function parameter amount can be replaced by a tokenId in case of NFTs.

function transferred(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _amount


Function called whenever tokens are given to an address. This function can update state variables in the modules bound to the compliance these state variables being used by the module checks to decide if a transfer is compliant or not depending on the values stored in these state variables and on the parameters of the modules. In practice, it calls moduleMintAction() on each module bound to the compliance contract.


This function can be called ONLY by the token contract bound to the compliance


Modules handle transfers differently than mints and burn, make sure to call created() when you mint tokens and not the transferred() method.

_toaddressAddress of the recipient of the created tokens.
_amountuint256Quantity of tokens created.

The function parameter amount can be replaced by a tokenId in case of NFTs.

function created(
address _to,
uint256 _amount


Function called whenever tokens are removed from an address. This function can update state variables in the modules bound to the compliance these state variables being used by the module checks to decide if a transfer is compliant or not depending on the values stored in these state variables and on the parameters of the modules. In practice, it calls moduleBurnAction() on each module bound to the compliance contract.


This function can be called ONLY by the token contract bound to the compliance


Modules handle transfers differently than mints and burn, make sure to call destroyed() when you burn tokens and not the transferred() method.

_fromaddressAddress of the owner of the destroyed tokens.
_amountuint256Quantity of tokens destroyed.

The function parameter amount can be replaced by a tokenId in case of NFTs.

function destroyed(
address _from,
uint256 _amount

Configuring modules

Modules are contracts that implements a set of rules used to validate transfer compliance. Modules contains storage and expose their own configuration methods, while also implementing standard methods. Add and remove active modules via the addModule and removeModule methods on the modular Compliance contract. Configuring modules shoukd be done via the compliance callModuleFunction method.


Used to add a module to the compliance contract. Only the owner of the compliance can add a module.

Emits a ModuleAdded(address indexed module) event.

addModule(address _module);


Used to remove a module from the compliance contract. Only the owner of the compliance can add a module.

Emits a ModuleRemoved(address indexed module) event.

removeModule(address _module);


Used to call a configuration method on a compliance module contract. Direct interaction with module is discouraged, and should instead go through the Compliance Contract that will proxy the call to the bound module.

Emits a ModuleInteraction(address indexed module, bytes4 functionSelector) event.

function callModuleFunction(bytes calldata callData, address _module);

Use helper librairies to encode the callData parameters.

const complianceContract = new ethers.Contract(complianceAddress, ['function callModuleFunction(bytes calldata callData, address module)'], signer);
const allowedCountryModule = new ethers.Interface(['function addAllowedCountry(uint256 country)']);
const callData = allowedCountryModule.encodeFunctionData('addAllowedCountry', [42]);
await complianceContract.callModuleFunction(callData, moduleAddress);

Additional methods


Used to bind a token for the compliance contract. Only bound tokens can inform the compliance and its module of asset transfers.

Only the owner of the compliance can bind a token to an already configured compliance contract.

It emits a TokenBound(address token) event

function bindToken(address _token);


Used to unbind a token for the compliance contract.

Only the owner of the compliance can unbind a token, or the token itself.

It emits a TokenUnound(address token) event


Because compliance modules build up their state when transfers occur, it is important to bind modules before starting minting. Some modules may not be impacted (eg. country restrictions), but modules that restrict transfers based on time or balances won't see transfers that happened before they were bound.

function unbindToken(address _token);