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An ERC3643 asset is backed by a set of contract. Though it is possible to implement a single to manage all aspects of the standard, it is recommended to separate features as described bellow.

The implementation found in the T-REX repository includes these contract as part of the ERC3643 suite:

  • Asset contract: usually, this is a contract representing an asset. It could me based on a ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, or any other type of asset.
  • Identity Registry: the asset contract will validate any transfer by verifying first if addresses part of the transfer (usually only the recipient) are registered and have required claims.
  • Identity Registry Storage: the Identity Registry does not store identities, those are usually stored in another contract, the Identity Registry Storage. This allows to share the same registry of identities with multiple Identity Registry that have different claim requirements.
  • Claim Topics Registry: the identity registry will require for its isVerified to return true that the specified identity has at least one valid claim of each claim topic.
  • Trusted Issuers Registry: the identity registry will ensure that only claims issued by these trusted claim issuers are accepted.
  • Modular Compliance: or any custom implementation of a Compliance contract. The Compliance contract uses its module` to validate the validity of a transfer given its rules.
  • Compliance Module: modules implement specific requirements and rules for a compliance. They may require specific setup.
  • Claim Issuer: though claim issuers are part of the ONCHAINID standard, ERC3643 assumes claim issuers follow the standard and implement the required isClaimValid method.